Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Shoshone Falls

Da Da Dum!! Quarantine Project #2 Complete!

Dan and I left today on a little road trip getaway, but I could not get dressed, eat or pack until my project was complete!  I REALLY wanted it to be wrapped up and off my mind before we left. I thought I was finished, but then realized I'd forgotten to choose a photo for the covers. Hurry! Hurry! Got those in place, and the title, then tried to upload, but it made me spell check. Hurry! Hurry! Finally I hit "upload" which is a 15 minute nail-biting process watching the little blue percentage bar move across the screen. As soon as the upload was complete, I purchased a copy (expedited shipping again) and BAM! Total Euphoria! I was done!

The computer has now been moved back to my office in the attic, the kitchen counters are clean from my projecting, the kitchen table is clean from Nick's school and Welcome Summer!

Michael and Katie offered their cabin to us in Island Park, Idaho this week. We originally thought the whole family would go, but Lizzie and Marty had work and school (they have to log on to their classes live), Chris had plans to go to Bear Lake with friends and Nick didn't want alone time with mom and dad. So Dan and I went on our own. And we're so glad we did!

First stop, Shoshone Falls in Twin Falls, Idaho. I'd seen photos and was excited to see "The Niagara Falls of the west." We turned a four-hour trip into a seven-hour trip with the detour, but we weren't in a hurry anyway.

Instead of horses or cows, ranches and ranches of sheep grazing in this part of the world.

Shoshone Falls were magnificent.

We listened to podcasts from "All In" and "Leading Saints" all along the way.
It was so fun to have time to share the podcasts and then talk about our thoughts together.
It made the drive so easy to have interesting listening and discussion.

We arrived at the cabin about 11:00. Climbed in bed, but stayed up late watching Riverdale.
That show is so addicting, but so annoying too.

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