Saturday, May 30, 2020

Writing Schedule

Yesterday afternoon I worked on my writing for a while. It was so fun to think through my story and try to assign archetypes and even fine tune my protagonist. I researched POV as well, and am so grateful for the writing conference and lectures that pointed out different POV examples in contemporary literature so I could pull a book off my shelf and really understand.

We've got my office set up and I feel great about my workstation. It's so fun to have something to work on, problems to solve and things to learn.

I'm going to rearrange my schedule by writing in the morning after breakfast and scriptures and exercise in the afternoon. It worked great yesterday. I took a bike ride at 5:00 p.m. and loved it.

I feel rejuvenated.

Also, Dan and I slept outside last night on our deck. I love sleeping outside! (It's not exactly sleeping under the stars because the light pollution from our landscape lighting is pretty strong.) But, the air was fresh, smelled so good and its so comfy sleeping outside next to Dan.

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