Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mother, I Love You

Best Day Ever!
(New Mother's Day bling look -- Nick's preschool scarf present as a hair band.)

A couple of days ago this beautiful bouquet arrived from Dan and the kids.

Mother's Day morning, Dan and I slept in, then took a walk around the neighborhood and to a new short cut and new neighborhood to explore. One of our favorite things to do.

I have loved these calm home-centered Sabbath days!

We got home at noon and Dan made brunch.
Nick had written me a note and was waiting for me when we got home.
In it he said, "writing you notes probably gets old."
No! It never gets old to hear my kids say they appreciate me!!

Then Chris came down and had a letter -- not just a note, but a real, LONG, specific letter.
I LOVED it! And his picture of us too.

Our bishop coordinated a Mother's Day video and Courtney, Nick and Dan all said something nice about me in it. It was a super fun surprise!

Later that day after church, I Face Timed with the real person!

Chris got bigger and musclier on his mission. He was wearing an old pair of pants that were too short and so tight! They'd seen a lot of Sundays and had lived a good life.
He wondered if he could split them by bending and flexing.

He could. It made us all laugh so hard.

Marty and Lizzie came over and brought me another note! and more pickle balls.
Then, they surprised me with a special Mother's Day present...

I was soooo excited!

Dan made sea bass for dinner (which he does so well)
and we all ate outside.

Nick made the tomato and burrata and added the pistachios -- a trick he picked up from work.

While Dan and Marty cleaned up, Chris and Nick took a late dinner to Marge.

Then, because it was too dark for pickle ball, we all played "Cover Your Assets" a bunch of times.
It's been so fun playing games together during quarantine!
It's probably mostly all of us being together so we've got a good group to learn new games with.

My mom got the flowers my sisters and I sent her.
She was visiting her friend in Martinique when the lockdown started, so she decided to stay.
I'd say island life looks good on her!

Mom to all of us:
What a very happy surprise this morning when Tricia called me to look out my window to see my Mother’s Day surprise!  You girls are always so thoughtful and surprising!  I couldn’t have a imagined getting such a beautiful surprise when I am so far away.  Also, I love the note.  Thank you so much for your thoughtful and loving words.
Happy Mother’s Day to all of you too. I couldn’t be a happier mother than to see what loving, kind, fun and wise mothers you have become.  Of course, the wonderful mothers you are is not at all surprising to me because you were born amazing. And, no, I am not exaggerating, you really have always been exceptionally amazing.  Words cannot tell you how wonderful you have always been, the only way you can know is to look at your own children and see how amazing they are and always have been!
I love you all so much!  Have a wonderful pandemic controlled Mother’s Day!!!

Me to my mom:
I love you, Mom! You and the flowers both look beautiful!
Thanks for always believing in us and knowing we can be amazing. There are plenty of times I don’t feel amazing or I know I’m not being amazing, but I know that my mom thinks I am and it reminds me that I actually am in so many ways and reminds me who I am and who I can be. ❤️ I can’t think of a greater gift. 
... I guess teaching me how to bathe and swaddle my baby. That was a pretty good gift too. 😜 
I love you!! 

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