Monday, April 08, 2024

Tooth 31 & Eclipse

My crown (tooth 31) cracked and a piece broke off Friday morning.
By Saturday evening another half loosened and eventually I had to take it out.
Who knew I'd get the "thrill" of pulling a tooth all over again.

Fortunately, the dentist got me in first thing this morning,
and they make crowns in-office. 
After two hours of relaxing with my eyes closed 
listening to a good book (Commonwealth, by Ann Patchett),
I had a new tooth that feels even better than the old one. 

The eclipse coverage wasn't as dramatic as it has been in past years,
but was still fun. I bought a bunch of glasses and gave a pair to our dog walker whoo arrived in the middle. At her next dog drop off, a group of older ladies were having lunch and didn't have any glasses so she was able to share the ones I'd given her. Sharing is the best part of eclipse viewing.

This afternoon, Chris and I went suit shopping. 
He looked so sharp--wish I had a picture.

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