Thursday, April 18, 2024

Nick's Endowment

My shoulder feels so much better today!
I slathered it in magic ointment--Wintercrest--before bed last night,
and today have much more movement in the problem areas with no pain everywhere else.
Hooray! I feel like a new person!

Nick received his endowment this afternoon at the Mount Timpanogos Temple.
Diane, Sheree & Jared and Camille all attended with us.
It was so nice to have family join us and support him!
It was a happy, fun day.

We ate dinner at Tsunami afterward with Diane 
(Sheree & Jared were off to Simone's lacrosse game),
with lots of good food, fun conversation, laughs and funny stories to share.
(Also a very cute waitress who was so excited to hear he'd just been through the temple
and was going on a mission. She's "just" arrived home seven months ago.
She was darling and we think Luke should ask her out.)

Also, we have to remember the kid who was so chatty out front of the temple
who did a backflip and almost hit an older gentleman headed inside. 
But we were grateful he took our photos!

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