Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Angels Watching Over Me

Bells Canyon Falls Hike

From this:

To this:

To this:

To get to this:

When we hit snow for the steepest part of the hike, it was treacherous.
But the challenge created a lot of commiseration with everyone we passed
who were also slipping and sliding all over the trail.
Except for the few who wore spikes and thought the rest of us were stupid.

I fell a couple of times and was super grateful for how I landed--
the first time my hand hit soft dirt right in between to rocks.
The second time I slipped on a rock and actually caught air,
flew over the rock on my way down so that my back/knees/shoulders/head
completely missed landing on the boulder and instead sat me down in soft dirt,
totally unhurt.

KT said my dad must have been watching over me for that one.
A little later she started talking about grasshoppers and that reminded me of Clara,
who had a little grasshopper outside her porch one summer that she truly believed was her friend.
Whoever it was, I am grateful.

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