Wednesday, November 01, 2023


Monday I woke up out of sorts.
A lack of motivation and enthusiasm for the new week.

I have a theory that our souls literally need nourishment.
We each have rituals or routines that promote our own self-care. 
It's more than a to-do list or beauty or exercise routine. It's our soul food.
For me, listening to Christ-centered music on Sunday mornings speaks to my spirit.
 I can usually count on church for talks and good discussion
centered around God and Christ that feeds my mind and soul.
Being outside in nature can make a difference.

Today I felt a little empty and I attributed it to not really putting any effort into Sabbath worship yesterday.
It was the primary program but I'd already helped out a couple Sundays ago so I knew the program,
and also felt great relief at not being in charge this year, 
so I ended up making Thanksgiving plans throughout church. 
In Sunday School I wasn't that interested in the 5th Sunday topic, so I made more notes.

Making notes wasn't a bad thing. 
And I don't think you always feel bereft after not engaging in Sunday meetings.
And feeling down certainly wasn't God's punishment for not paying attention in church,
because that's not how God works.

But, I hadn't taken the opportunity to nourish my soul in a while, 
and by Monday I was feeling it. My spirit was deflated.
I prayed for rejuvenation and then I turned on Sunday music. 

I journaled. I read scripture. I read from the Given's latest book.
While I exercised, name after name came to mind of people I should text --
Someone whose talk I loved a few weeks ago and never told them. 
Another who gave a great RS lesson.
A couple of new people in the neighborhood.
A friend I haven't seen in a long time.
We got Miles' missionary letter so I wrote him a note back.
(I'm the worst at writing to missionaries who aren't my kids. So, sorry Adair and Shaeffer cousins!)

I found a text from a friend about ways to show gratitude in November.
And then another friend's blog post about a gratitude journal.
I wrote down several things I was thankful for.

And within a few hours, I was feeling a lot more like myself.

I'm going to record at least one thing a day I'm grateful for in November.

today i am grateful for:
*A walk in the hilly streets  on a gorgeous fall day and that Kershaw didn't pull on his leash.
*Interesting podcasts and easy ways to learn something new.
*A friend who invited me to dinner and developing stronger friendships.
*Pottery Barn is refunding me for my NY bed and the rep was very patient, and so was I.
*A good nap.

1 comment:

LifeOfARealMom said...

This is heartfelt open writing, Angela. I take counsel from it, as we all could. Thank you.