Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Re-Posts and Audible

I posted about a book I just finished on my writing account (angshaefwrites)
and the author reposted my post. 
Now I'm feeling like a cool kid.

Did I mention that Courtney & Michael gave Dan & me...
(...gave Dan. ...gave me. Yes, got the English right)
 ...three months of an Audible membership for our birthdays? 
Previously I'd said I don't like listening to books because I like listening to podcasts instead.
And my daughter REALLY wanted me to make sure I actually felt that way because I didn't really know for sure, did I?

Oh man! I'm LOVING Audible!
Carol had mentioned how much she liked The Dutch House on Audible
because it was narrated by Tom Hanks. Wow! It was as riveting as a movie. So good.

As soon as I finished, I perused the library (is it a family library? we've sure got a lot of selection already downloaded) and I found a Salman Rushdie book that someone was into 13 chapters.
I've been curious about his work, so I downloaded (for free? I'm still figuring this out) and I can't wait for a little drive in the car to get to listen to more of the story.

I remember Marty and EC saying often how much they loved listening to books on road trips 
and often when they got to where they were going, they'd stay in the car so they could finish their book.

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