Friday, November 03, 2023

NYC with Matt and Bekah

Back in the city for the New York Marathon!
Both Michael P. and Matt N. are running and we're so happy to have people to cheer for!

We arrived late last night and Bekah and Matt arrived even later. 
While Dan and Matt ran (literally) to the Marathon Expo to pick up Matt's packet, 
Bekah and I walked and talked around the reservoir. 
Sister time is the very best!

The Nugent's left to check into their hotel and we met up for dinner and a show in the evening.
The bar at the rooftop of Le' Meriden has a great view of the park.

Fireworks to celebrate the marathoners as we walked to Times Square.

Hadestown left us lots to discuss afterward.
Maily show notes. We all liked it, but probably wouldn't see it again. 
I was really loving the last 30 minutes, especially the surprise happy ending, 
until I remembered this show is a tragedy and saw there was still 20 minutes left of the show
and had to brace myself realizing the "happily ever after" swapped the structural place of "all is lost"
so "all is lost will be the ending" and "happily ever after" was just the beginning of the third act.
Bekah audibly gasped at the tragic moment.

I really loved the song "Wait For Me" and most of the actors were incredible.
We didn't connect with Orpheus and wondered if it was an intentional show choice?

But I'm glad we saw it and loved going out with Bekah and Matt.

After the show Dan took us to a favorite Greek restaurant near Nugent's hotel which was FANCY.
"Let's go fishing," said the waiter and we followed him to the fish on ice to make a dinner selection.

Posters and pasta are on the schedule for tomorrow.

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