Sunday, October 01, 2023

Conference Soup

The rain has finally cleared out and it was actually shorts weather on our walk this morning!
Dan and I walked to the Conservatory Garden through Central Park and passing triathletes along our way.

When in New York, the first church General Conference session doesn't start until Noon,
and the boys loved being able to sleep in.

We ate lunch after the first session -- it was Michael's first experience with Conference Soup. Will's too.
Mixing all the toppings into soup base sounds so strange, but it's so good!
Apple crisp too because its been that kind of weather this week.

The boys have headed back to SLC, including Dan who cut the trip short to attend a work conference.
I'm staying until Tuesday. We've got some electrical/AV issues we've been trying to remedy and I want to be here at the appointment tomorrow morning so we don't continue a perpetual loop of "the electrician says its the other groups issue" and "the other group says its the electrician's issue."

Also, I want to enjoy today and not feel rushed to clean up and leave.

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