Saturday, October 07, 2023

Marathon Spectator Report

Dan took Lizzie & Erika to the bus boarding location at 4:15 a.m.
They were able to immediately board to be transported to their start, 45 minutes away.
Dan came back home and went back to bed.

Emi slept in because it was so dark in the bathroom where they put her pak 'n play.
Everyone was up by 7:30 making signs and eating breakfast.
We were a little nervous about traffic in Snow Canyon and the potential 2 mile "hike" 
to the 16 mile spot where we could cheer for Lizzie and Erika.

But everything worked out so well! No trouble at all!

Sheree was also going there, but cheering for Monet who arrived much earlier than the rest of our crew!
So Sheree was long gone by the time we got there.
We had the right tickets purchased last night so we could get into the park, and that was the only slow part. And we were able to park at the top as many cars had left by the time we got there!

Michelle and Brent found us too. Isaac and Ethan had already passed, 
but Morgan and Chase weren't far behind.

Here they came and there they went! 
We couldn't remember what they were wearing, so weren't sure what colors to watch for,
but Marty was sure he'd recognize Lizzie's gait, and he did.

They had big smiles as they passed. 
Mile 16!

Pretty soon Morgan and Chase came running by!

The next viewing spot was mile 20, so I thought,
and I estimated they'd be there in 40 minutes.
We got there with 10 minutes to spare, but realized it was actually the 23 mile marker.
Which meant it would be another 30 minutes.

No worries. It was so fun cheering the runners and eavesdropping on the people around us,
it wasn't a bad wait. Marty had Lizzies location, so we knew when they were approaching.

Chris was fighting off a cold and congestion, so Dan took him to the store to get some medicine and kept Emi with him. When they got back, they found us on the overpass and soon the girls came by.
We screamed and cheered...

...but poor Emi couldn't understand why her mommy ran right by.

Chris kept Emi very entertained by turning one of the three overhead car lights on and off--whichever ones she pointed to. So cute! She was really bonding with her Uncle Chris.

We made it to the finish in the nick of time. It was a zoo, of course, and as we got closer to the finish line, we realized we were on the wrong side of the course and couldn't get to the edge, so had to walk back to the end of the block and around. But we made it in time!

What a thrill to watch these girls accomplish such a big goal!!

It was so fun being there! We're so proud of Lizzie!

Monet had a great time at 3:14, qualifying for Boston.
Isaac and Ethan both finished at 3:45 and Ethan even beat his older brother at the last minute.

Marathons at such young ages! Way to go!

Chase wrecked his knee about mile 22 and he and Morgan had a long walk 
to get to the finish. But they did it! Amazing!!

All of us parents and aunts and uncles are so proud of all these kids!
26.2!! Yahooo!

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