Tuesday, October 03, 2023

Audiobook Craze

Courtney and Michael gave Dan and I audible gift cards for our birthdays.
I've resisted the audiobook craze because I love my podcasts when I want something to listen to.
And I LOVE holding a book and turning the pages and imagining my own voices for the characters.
Plus I love owning books that I love and having them on my shelf.
But they got us gift cards because they REALLY thought if we just tried it, we may like it.

But being sick, I def didn't feel like reading and I didn't want to "learn" from a podcast either.
I downloaded Remarkably Bright Creatures which I've wanted to read but didn't want to buy the hardback. As it turns out, I LOVED having an audiobook on the plane!

Yes, I fell asleep in several places, but I kept the storyline and later will go back and find out why Cameron lost his luggage on the plane because I thought he drove a camper to Washington.
It was so nice to just close my eyes, listen to a good story and sleep and wake up to the good story again the whole way home.

I'm SO glad I didn't miss fall!
Everyone was posting pictures of changing leaves, I was worried they'd be gone by the time I got home.
It's hard to remember how long the colors last from year to year.

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