Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Sharon McMahon, LIVE!

A few weeks ago whenBetsy and I reconnected at lunch together,
and as we were saying goodbye with hopes of getting together again the next time she was in town,
she mentioned she was coming back for a speaker she really liked.
Was it Sharon McMahon? Yes! It was!

I told her I also had tickets and we immediately planned to go together.

Sharon was just as entertaining in real life as online.
We laughed, were inspired and even learned lots of things.

It was a lot like going to a concert of your favorite band.
You've heard the songs before, but hearing them live is next level.

Some stories we'd heard before, as well as many of her fav phrases,
but in person was that much better. It was so much fun.

This pic wouldn't be a Christmas card pose. No. 
But I love it because Sharon knows EVERYTHING about government and is off the charts smart,
but laughs and jokes and is the funnest human at the same time,
So beautiful.

When the head of the Center for Constitutional Studies commented that the numbers of students studying history is falling and asked Sharon what teachers could do to attract more students,
without pausing Sharon said, "Don't talk in a boring voice. 
Number one thing, don't be boring. Love what you do and be enthusiastic about it."

Also, Sharon said she often asks politicians how many constituents they need to hear from to move the dial on an issue. Average? 300. Often, only 50.
So if you don't like how your representative is voting, let them know. 
If you have friends who disagree. Get them to call and let them know as well.
Who knows, you and your group of friends could make a difference.
(She's also big on if they do something you appreciate, let them know that as well.)

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