Saturday, October 14, 2023

Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse

I always get excited for astronomical events!
Last night I searched and searched for our eclipse glasses but couldn't find them anywhere.
I really thought I knew right where they were in my office.
Surely I hadn't thrown them away after the 2017 (or was it 2018) eclipse.

I searched again this morning and even said a half-hearted prayer before I told 
myself I was too old and it was too small to be praying over something like paper eclipse glasses.
I should have just been smarter and looked earlier and then ordered some online ahead of time.

Five minutes before it started, I noticed a box I'd brought downstairs from my office several months ago to go through the thumb drives and rechargeable batteries and throw away the junk.
I just never got around to it.
Was it possible...?
Yep, the glasses were there in the box beneath all the outdated technology.

Does the act of praying ignite something in our brain that helps us remember?
Or does God send messages in response to our questions?
However it works, I'm grateful.

We would watch for several minutes, then go back inside for a few
then someone would come back out and shout at whoever was inside,
"Nick! Dan! Hurry quick! It looks so cool right now!"
And everyone would come running.
Repeat throughout the hour.

Then I took a bike ride. Kinda liking my new helmet and glasses.
(The old ones are now in New York.)

Tonight Dan and I had dinner at Pizzeria Limone and ran into Roger and Lisa J.
They joined us for dinner and had a great impromptu catch-up!

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