Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Time Flies

 I've been very busy planning for the Adair Pagosa reunion:
food, activities, swag, bedding, itinerary, games and lots of purchasing as a result.

The food for 44 people is insane! 
For one morning meal of breakfast burritos I estimate:
65 tortillas, 120 eggs, 7 lb sausage, 3 lb diced potatoes
2 lb sour cream, 2 lg jars of salsa, and 24 oranges -- plan on a whole box.

Times by eight meals!
(We're catering dinners, thankfully.)
I'm a little unsure if we'll have space to store it all!
(I'm looking for a place to change exclamation points to periods, in what I've just written, but, nope. 
Every sentence deserves that much Wow!)

Also planning for the Relief Society Summer Social.
Of which I'll be out of town for. 
But I'm on the Relief Society Activities Committee 
so I printed, cut and bought envelopes for the invites.
Also organized the routes for the four of us delivering.
(LOVE the organizational aspect!)
A new mom made the invitations and flyers and they turned out so cute.
I'm so glad I didn't have to -- I could have made them cute, but it would have taken me FOREVER
and standards are so much higher now than they were when that was my main talent for all the activities and birthday parties when the kids were in elementary school.

Also, I knew how to type fast, manage an excel spreadsheet, and merge in Word to make address labels.
That talent served me well for years. Still does.

Remember when in 2001 when I was the Primary President, on the fundraising committee at Carlthorp and Crestwood, the newsletter editor at Crestwood and creating birth announcements for Chris, party invites for Courtney and Marty and for every other organizations activities and
Rachel said, "Buy an industrial paper cutter already!"
Whew! I don't think I've used any other device as much.

Nick and I mailed his grad announcements tonight.
I addressed while he cleaned the kitchen and then licked the envelopes.
It was a GREAT trade-off.

Remember a few days ago when we kept saying, 
"Everything is so green!"
Now I find myself constantly thinking,
"It wasn't that long ago that they were all little!"

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