Friday, May 26, 2023

Forward Thinking

Hailed this morning while I was in the sunroom!
I still don't mind this spring weather -- warm but not hot, daily storms mixed with sun.

While I was running errands yesterday I realized because I was out of town for Mother's Day,
I never planted tomatoes, peppers or zucchini! 
I only planted the seeded things like lettuce, spinach, beets, radishes (for Michael!), beans and carrots.
Not all of them are coming up, cilantro has taken over,
and I have a few random lettuce bunches that self-seeded at the far end of the garden.

Are we even going to be here enough to keep up with zucchini and tomatoes?
Should I even bother?
But then again, what's summer or fall without garden tomatoes and zucchini noodles.

So I bought them. I'll plant them. Tomorrow maybe.

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