Monday, May 22, 2023


I've missed mornings in my sunroom, praying and reading scriptures.
One of the Come Follow Me chapters was JST Matthew 24.
And would you believe I searched everywhere in the scriptures and couldn't find it? 
I felt like some missionaries who reported that when they were first in the MTC they searched the Bible for the book of Nephi and couldn't find it anywhere.

Finally, I read the Come Follow Me intro which directed me to look in The Pearl of Great Price.
I'm 52. How do I not know this?
In reality, I love that we're forever learning new things--in life, 
in the Gospel, setting new goals, in work, parenting, and on and on.
It keeps life interesting.

This tree never ceases to amaze year after year.
We sat outside and kept commenting how green everything was.
And the beautiful blooms on this tree.
And how remarkable it is that just a few weeks ago everything was brown and dry and cold and now we're surrounded by green and lush and leaves. And look how everything is so green!
We must have said it a million times between, me, Dan, Chris and Nick.

I worked on tidying today. I call it reclaiming.
The boys obviously survive just fine without me home.
But, these flowers were almost dead before I left two weeks ago.
How much longer would they have decorated the middle of the table if I didn't throw them away?
Am I the only one disgusted by the smelly brown water?

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