Friday, April 14, 2023

The Lymans are Here

Rachel and the Lyman family arrived at 11:00 this morning so after recuperating yesterday,
I madly dashed around getting my house in order. 
The boys had done a pretty good job of keeping things clean while I was gone, 
but let's just say a trivet and cups were still on the kitchen table from Easter dinner last Sunday.

Also, Marty came to town last night because Lizzie and Emi are in Minnesota visiting cousins,
so Marty and Dan planned a boys weekend with Chris (Nick has prom) in California:
Korean BBQ and a Dodgers game tonight, golfing tomorrow morning, 
a Grand Prix race in the afternoon and home by 9:00 p.m!

The boys left soon after Lymans arrived and they let me tag along with them for the day.
I haven't seen Cooper in, like, five years. He's so grown up and a great conversationalist!
I got Dylan's love when I made him a little sandwich with Great Harvest bread.
And how much did I fall in love with Reese when she whispered to her mom, "Can you ask Aunt Angela if she'll come with us?" Actually she said, "Aunt Bekah" but it's a little hard to keep track of all the aunts names!

We decided to go to Cubby's for lunch and then Get Air.
I had to do my hair and put on make up real quick and
Reese asked if I would do her hair too. I had to warn her I don't do braids as fancy as Aunt Michelle.
But no worries, she wanted curling iron curls so her hair could be chin length, like mine.
She didn't quite understand why that didn't work, and in the end decided she'd just wear it down.

She asked if she could use my mascara and said her mom lets her all the time.
But not when she goes to school. 
So I said she could, she wanted to know if it was waterproof or not and then 
this five-year-old proceeded to apply it perfectly!!!

Dying! So wish I had a pic to share! She def takes after her mom.
I don't think I started wearing mascara until I was in college!

In the evening Diane and Max, Charlie and his girlfriend, Monet and Elise, Michael and Jacob,
Aunt Marge and the Lymans and I, all got together for Cafe Rio and...
wait for it...

Two rounds of hide and go seek! Requested by, guess who? Reese.
It was a blast!
(By the way, nobody plays race to free anymore. You have to stay hidden until you're found.)
Everyone played except Aunt Marge who held down the fort in the kitchen.
We're adding this to the family reunion tradition!

Reese counting to 60 and her dad helping her seek (and count to 60).

The boys had a great time at the Dodgers game and even got on TV a few times!
(Cousin Kory spotted them and sent a pic!)

That night as I locked the doors and turned out the lights,
I found something Chris and Nick missed on Easter.

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