Monday, April 17, 2023

Tax Day

 The most significant event of today is we remembered to file Christopher's taxes.
He was getting a refund of almost $200, but filing taxes seems hard and confusing and not worth the money, I guess, because he wasn't too motivated to figure it out.

But, I've been through that not only with other kids, but with friends back in the day and it's my mission to teach my kids that filing is easy (when you're a kid) and I'd sit with them and prove it. 

 Chris came home at 9:30 this evening to workout.
I was working on my blog and he sat down to chat while he drank his pre-workout and remarkably, I remembered that this was the last day to file. And remarkably, he agreed to do it together.

Now he's $200 closer to paying all his parking tickets and it only took 15 minutes.
Filing online is a cinch, but navigating the filing companies to search for a free federal and state can be very confusing if you're not confident about what to look for. And since they've done away with the EZ,  the questions about exemptions are befuddling and if you're a kid, you don't know the answers, and don't realize they don't apply to you. 

So since filing isn't mandatory at this income level, it's tempting to just not bother. 
(I don't 100% understand because I was elated to get my $62 check in the mail! 
But I attribute that to desperation and needing to eat and the 1040EZ.)

I also went to lunch with Carol and two high school friends I haven't seen in years,
Melissa P. and Kristie T. We had lots to talk about and I loved being with Carol, especially.

Dan's back in New York on business and I'm glad he gets to spend some time in the apartment, finally.

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