Tuesday, April 25, 2023


Dan and I went to the temple this morning (with Art L.)
in keeping with our tradition of going to the temple on our anniversary.
We've often done sealings, but since Art was with us, we did an endowment.
Sealings are soon, though, because we have several to be done.

Sweet Lake Biscuits was a small space on a side street between Sugarhouse and downtown, 
but new, modern and super delish.
The biscuits were perfect, the hash savory, and the sweet ketchup a perfect complement.
I was hoping for the bacon to be as good as "million dollar bacon" from First Watch, which it wasn't.
But if it was, it would be hard to keep us away.


Yesterday Chris shouted to me from his room,
"Mom, you've got to see the tree outside my window! 
It's full of blossoms and looks so pretty!"

Meanwhile, I was taking pictures of our early blooming lilac bush.
And everyone else in the neighborhood was posting pics of the most gorgeous rainbow after a series of three thunderstorms. It stormed, then skies cleared, then got dark and stormed again, then cleared.
Three times!
("Three months she's been engaged, Elder! Three months!" 
Name that show...)

I missed the rainbow, which feels like there's a lesson to be learned there.

Come on, spring, you can do it!

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