Saturday, April 15, 2023

Rugby and Senior Prom

The last high school dance for our family was a little anticlimactic for me.
Nick wore a suit he already owned and shopped on his own for shoes and a tie while I was out of town.
The boys got ready at Ryan's new house and took pre-dance pictures there and had their after activity there too. So we didn't see any of the boys or their dates like we often do when they come over before or after. I'm not sad about it (I just spent 8 days with these boys so they've had plenty of Shaeffer time). But it is strange to think it's the end of an era. 

I dressed for Nick's rugby game in base layers, gloves, hat and coat and ended up broiling!
It was only high 50's, but the sun was shining and it was a gorgeous day for being outside.

Nick played the second half and he came home with another shiner to show it. 
They ended up getting beat by East, (best team in the league), but we had a great turnout to cheer them on.

Senior Prom -- heading out at 3:30 to get dressed with friends at Ryan's new house.
I asked if I could come over and take a picture before they left, but Nick politely said I could ask Tammy for pictures.

Nick and Kate were broken up when everyone asked to Prom,
so Nick asked a friend of some of the girls in his group, Bergen,
and had a lot of fun. 

They went to the Park City white barn for photos,

then Ruth's Chris in PC for dinner.
After the dance, they'd hired a hypnotist at Ryan's house but Nick called him 
a "meditist" because it felt more like just being quiet and meditating than truly being hypnotized.

And then they hung out until 2:00 a.m.
The End.

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