Sunday, April 02, 2023

Charleston, South Carolina

This morning we visited the Middleton Plantation with over 1600 acres of lawns, ponds and forest.
After a long winter in Utah and a week at sea, grass and trees were the most beautiful sites in the world.

The Spanish moss hanging from magnolias and live oaks is different than I realized--
it's dry and brown, not wet and green. 
The Charleston joke is its neither Spanish nor moss.
I didn't realize its the material we put around plants between the dirt pot and the planter pot to hide the gap. Apparently, when harvested, its also full of chiggers as discovered when early settlers first attempted to use it as mattress fill.

We took a short garden tour and then a house tour.

And spotted an alligator in one of the ponds! 
(Is it a branch? Nope, its alive!)

(The shape in the middle of the pond!)

Caterpillars were dropping from all the trees,

and were pretty cute,

until I used this handrail without looking closely!

The house tour was of a "flank" house rather than the original mansion which was burned down in the civil war. 

We wandered through the rest of the gardens over to the farm.

A couple new baby sheep,

And Mr. Nesbit demonstrating coopering.

After lunch we went back to our gorgeous hotel -- The Charleston Place -- to rest.
Kristin and I turned on conference, but we pretty much slept through most of it.
I woke up often enough to hear that they were all speaking about Jesus,
which reminded me of Courtney's Primary class. 
"What are we learning about today?"

We had dinner at Poogan's Porch, which was fine, not great,
then back home and took pictures in our new matching pajamas.
Thanks, Jo Ellen!
Erin gifted us each mugs made by a friend in her ceramics class.
Kristin, new gardening gloves.
And gifts never even crossed my mind. Oops! I'm that sister.

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