Friday, February 10, 2023

Gets Worse Before it Gets Better

I didn't sleep at all last night.
I went right to bed when I got in at 1:00 a.m.
But after I laid there forever, I decided to get up and open all the art
and break down all the packaging.

I refrained from nailing though. Becuase, you know, apartment living.
But I did make holes and my mom had made it so easy because she'd hung blue tape in lots of spaces so I could see how different pieces would look. She even used a level and tape measure so she'd done a lot of the work for me!

I finally went to bed at 4:00, but then the doorbell rang at 4:26 a.m.
It's a phantom we have, although my mom never mentioned it, so I thought it was fixed.
My alarm was set for 8:00 because electricians were coming and I wanted to be dressed when they arrived.

I started moving boxes and packaging material to the stairwell where we leave our trash, and made sure to not switch the latch so I wouldn't get locked out. Then I turned the deadbolt as insurance.
With the next load, I decided it was silly to have the deadbolt as insurance, I was being paranoid.
And then immediately locked myself out. 
(Apparently when you turn the deadbolt, it switches the latch back to the "lock" default.)

So I made the walk of shame down the stairwell over to the doorman to get a key.

I had the boxes neatly folded  and styrofoam neatly packaged into another box,
but then the porter in charge of trash told me I needed to put all the styrofoam into black trash bags. 
Including the styrofoam in boxes from our eight light fixtures that were installed.

So basically I spent half the day disposing of trash.
And thinking about how we really need to come up with a solution to create less trash. 
But short of producing and buying everything local, I don't know what the answer could be.

I thought I'd take a nap when the electricians were finished, so I didn't put my contacts in.
The day after the Kenalog I run really hot (it's a steroid) and my heart beats at a steady 115 while resting 
(I kept getting alerts on my Apple watch on my flight yesterday).
I was wearing a really uncomfortable bra and didn't have any short sleeve shirts so had to wear one of Dan's and my cut-off jeans were saggy. But I got A LOT done.
(A lot of it was breaking down trash, but still. Done.)

I had to buy a drill bit to hang some heavy mirrors so stopped by an antique store on the way.

Didn't find the drill bit, but did find an extra large screw the right size so was going to use it and YouTube videos to help me hang Molly Bolts. Felt very proud of myself figuring it out.
(Fingers crossed I did it right and they don't fall, because if they do, the lamps are going with them.)

Lastly had to remove the rug under my bed and replace it with a better size.
Which required taking the mattresses and box springs off,
undoing the center support (happily only required an allen wrench! I can do that!)

Took a break to have dinner with Michael at a new place.
Did I mention Courtney was out of town this week at an Orthopedic convention?
(Isn't it nice that he would be willing to spend Friday night at dinner with his mother-in-law?
We have great kids-in-law!)

Before I went to bed, I got it all put back together again.

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