Saturday, February 25, 2023

Deep Deep Snow and a Kershaw Emergency

After breakfast, we were getting ready to go snowshoeing when Dan discovered Kershaw had just eaten rat poison in the garage where he and Marty were working to get the Ranger running.

Called poison control who gave us three scenarios based on the type of active ingredient in the poison (since we didn't know the brand of poison) and also told us how to induce vomiting. 
(1 Tbsp of hydrogen peroxide. If no vomiting in 10 minutes, 2 more Tbsp.)
He immediately vomited clear so we thought in didn't eat very much.
But within five minutes after that, he threw-up probably seven more times -- 
breakfast and chunks of poison. 

With the help of our builder (and friend), we were able to track down a vet even though it was Saturday and we weren't established clients. He had us come in in the afternoon to pick up activated charcoal 
to stop any poison that went into his intestines from being absorbed.

Of the three possibilities based on the three different active ingredients in the poison, we got the most treatable. So grateful Dan noticed he ate something, or else it would have been a different outcome.

With the crisis controlled, we went out for adventure.
Down to Marty's cabin where the snow from the roof covered the windows, 
over to check out camp then back to the car.

Crossing the fence!


It was 30* and I ditched my hat, coat and gloves and still worked up a sweat.

We saw other people snow shoeing to the Box
and drove to Sportsman's Campground to see how far the road was plowed 
(to the first subdivision on Middle Fork Road).

Back home Dan and I tried sledding. I haven't been sledding in years and I miss it!
We didn't have time to get a good slick track because we had to go to town to meet the vet for the charcoal.
And sledding in this much snow is a challenge! 
Snowshoes to get to the top of the hill, then take them off and hold them on your lap to sled down.
Put them back on while sitting on your sled and using the sled as a prop to stand back up--
if you put a hand in the snow or even the pole, it just sinks deep down. 

It was an adventure! 
But I still haven't satisfied my need to fly down a hill on the snow!

(Dan isn't going as fast as it looks like in this picture!)

Fun memories and stories after dinner again tonight. 

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