Monday, August 29, 2022

Not My Talent

I can't sleep in long pajama pants. 
Having my knees covered is so suffocating and makes me want to die of heat stroke.
But its very uncommon to find pj shorts long enough to cover garments. 

I cut off the bottoms of these cute Target pj's I've had for ten years or so because I never wear them,
becauase... long pants.
 All summer I intended to get someone to help me hem them.
I actually was going to ask Kristin to help me, but then she broke her arm 
so I figured it wasn't the best time to ask for help on a project!

Swapping out the laundry this morning, the sewing machine sort of beckoned to me.
And before I knew it, I was searching for matching thread and a bobbin and getting out the instruction book.

I don't sew. But, I have had a few energetic attempts to make a couple things when it didn't really matter if it looked professionally -- or even decently done -- or not.
For instance, the fabric chairback covers for Primary that showed where each class should sit.
I worked really hard on those, and as soon as the new presidency was put it place,
they were swapped for new ones.
That's how bad I sew.

But what I do know is, our instruction book is super helpful and if you just follow step-by-step,
you'll have your machine threaded and bobbin set in no time.
And the next thing I knew, I was ironing my crease and zipping along.

I made a little mistake where I sewed the second hem at the bottom of the fold instead of the top
and it created a little bubble in addition to the extra hem. But there's NO WAY I'm unpicking it.
They turned out just fine.
Maybe I'll even buy another pair and sew those too.

I almost finished revisions on my first chapter today.
Every second I was sewing I was also thinking, 
"You really shouldn't be avoiding chapter 1. 
This could end up taking much longer than you want it to."

But I was able to do both.
And then go sit by the pool for dinner with Courtney, Michael and Dan.
(Nick had work.)
It's been fun having this happy couple in the house for so many days!
When it got dark, we came inside to watch Psych, Dual Spires episode
because Michael randomly asked if I watched Twin Peaks and 
then I said, "Only two episodes, because it was suuuuper dark for me. 
But... have you seen the Psych episode?"
Psych never gets old.


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