Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Erin Time and a Surprise

Morning walk with Erin. EC joined us for a mile.
Early enough that we got to see the fog belt in the valleys. (6:45 a.m.)

Two more lines for my Pagosa Poetry:

Up the hill and down, around the bend and up again and the cabin comes into view.
Three... no, four, black ravens wait on the fence, eyeing my return home.

Answers in the bird book. Erin called it.

To town with Erin to peruse Ace, buy the bookshelf from the antique dealer,
pick up a few things at City Market, then peruse the aisles of the Mexican handicraft store.
(I bought rocks. And two hot pads.)

Dan arrived and then went to work in the upstairs office.
Surprise! Dan arranged flights for Marty and Lizzie so they raced to the airport.
Enchiladas on the patio with Marty and Erin while we waited to see if the flight
would get off the ground.

Dan drove to Durango to pick the kids up, EC went to bed early and I've worked on homework.
It's almost midnight, but they should be here soon.

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