Tuesday, August 02, 2022

Furnishings for New York, Check

I spent the entire day at Pottery Barn literally camped on a couch with my laptop and notebook
figuring out all the furniture for New York. I'd made a lot of decisions yesterday, but once in the store some things didn't work out so had to make adjustments. Thus needing couch and laptop research time.

When we first bought the apartment, we planned on using our designer so neither Dan nor I had to spend time on the project of furnishing the apartment. We both have PTSD -- me with the time it takes and Dan with the cost and neither of us wanted to dive into another project like that again.

But in the end, we didn't care about going super fancy so the cost of a designer seemed unnecessary
and we decided to just furnish it entirely from a box store, which isn't hard to just choose some stuff we like and hope it goes together pretty well. Pottery Barn had so much stock available for delivery in the next two months vs. Restoration or Crate & Barrel, I just ordered everything through them. 
Last week I lined up a receiver in New York to ship everything to and who will deliver and install when we're ready. Today I ordered everything except rugs, and now we're done!

Meanwhile, Nick helped Will jar honey today and brought home samples.
Who would guess honey could be so delicious? Why are we buying Costco honey?
Peach honey on feta and pecans is THE BOMB!


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