Thursday, August 11, 2022

Day in the San Juans

 After sitting on the tarmac during a two-hour delay, Marty and Lizzie made it to Pagosa around midnight!
Dan and EC told lots of flying jokes while we waited for them, 
crossing our fingers their plane would take off...
Better to be down here wishing you were up there, than to be up there wishing you were down here.
Got time to spare? Go by air!
Definition of flying: hours and hours of sheer boredom, punctuated by moments of sheer terror.

I did yoga for a quiet stretching workout this morning
(accompanied by the not bed bugs but swallow bugs in the barn).
Thought I'd do the intermediate workout which went pretty well until this move:

Dan and Marty both worked all day,
EC and I regaled Lizzie with birthing and baby stories and I hope we're not scaring her!
So easy to look back and laugh now...

Rode the Ranger to Marty & Erin's to look at the pond now that the flow was cleared out.
Looks so beautiful and we loved hearing about their plans for the space.

Dan drove us to the concrete pad from the early 70's where the Shaeffers originally parked the trailers 
until they realized they were actually on the neighbors land. 
Now that neighbor's land is Marty & Erin's property!

We ended the night with a corn hole tournament, fire and s'mores, and late night game of SkipBo.
Lizzie is hooked, which makes me happy because I never get tired of playing SkipBo.

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