Thursday, March 03, 2022

Late Nights and Early Mornings

There was a loud humming in mine and Rachel's room so I spent the early morning hours asleep on the couch, hoping it wasn't a radon alarm or something potentially putting her in danger.
I woke up to voices in the upstairs bedroom and ran up to join. 

We decided the night before to not go out before 10:00, which was great to have a set departing time, 
putting all of us planners at ease that we weren't "wasting" time or rushing unnecessarily.
We walked from "the river" to the Carmel beach path along the ocean.

Highlights: plant names from Picture This app, learning everyone's favorite "soothing" or meditation songs, (Sheree--Sailing (Christopher Cross); Bekah--Just Breathe (Pearl Jam); Me--I Am (Nirinjan Kaur)), finding out Bekah and Rachel thought of me in the Encanto big sister song, 
charming houses everywhere, the blue of the ocean with chaotic waves, the dog walker who said we radiated happiness, fairy houses in the cedars, that my mom can walk miles with us.

Breakfast that was really a late lunch at a little Dutch restaurant. 
We started with the most delectable cheese blintzes, the chef was darling and even gave us the recipe.
Michael called while we were sitting together so we had everyone together for a second.

Afterward, we walked across the street to see Richard McDonald's gallery and met one of my mom's best friends, Michelle. I've heard about her for years and years and she was just as fun and easy to talk and lovely as I imagined. It was pretty neat to see so many of Richard's sculptures. 
(He and my mom have been best friends since high school.)

We walked the mile back home and would you believe it was time to get ready for dinner? 
We wanted to be early enough to see the sunset at hear the bag pipers at Roy's at Pebble Beach.
Unfortunately it was a rainy day and too cloudy for sunsets. And we missed the bag piper.
Fortunately, we have something to look forward to the next time we go!

Mom: "If it takes 25 minutes to get there and we leave an hour and a half ahead of time, we should have plenty of time to get there." 
Rachel: "Mounds."

My mom and Dimitrios met the chef, Pablo, on Valentine's Day and he said make sure to talk to him again when she brought all her daughters. He was delightful and came out several times to chat. 

On the way home we stopped at a store and Bekah bought snacks and breakfast stuff for tomorrow.
We talked until 1:00 and then finally went to bed. 
BUT, Rachel and I ended up talking and talking. And talking. 
Started with, Did I know anything about the Disneyland VIP pass?
and then bounced around to a variety of random topics.
Finally I said we should probably go to bed and had her guess what time it was. 
She guessed 4:00 and fortunately it was only 3:09. 

I recommended we play The Silent Game (what Michelle and I always "played" as children when we stayed up too late talking). But then that made us giggle and we were a little bit punch drunk. Then it sounded like someone was talking upstairs and we wondered if we should jump in bed with them so we could all laugh together. But decided we should go to bed.
 Then I remembered one more thing I wanted to say about sharing a bathroom 
(that I don't flush at night so as not to wake the other person up. Hope that's ok.) 
She agreed she does the same thing. Then we had another important thing to say -- 
I think about washing hands
And by then I'm sure it was 4:00 a.m. 

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