Sunday, October 31, 2021

Love and Understanding

First: we got about 20 more trick or treaters tonight. (So much candy left over!)

Second: Everyone knows about Colin Kaepernick and that he sits during the National Anthem.
Read this wonderful article to see how Kaepernick and Green Beret, Nate Boyer are beautiful examples of talking, listening and trying to understand different perspectives. And the desire to find a middle ground.
I really like AllSidesNow on Instagram for unbiased news reporting and when you want more information on the topics they highlight.

I loved the following quote and think this is at the crux of so many people wanting to stand up for someone but not wanting to tear down another. We've gotta keep talking.

During their conversation Boyer showed Kap a heartfelt and honest message from a fellow Green Beret sent over a flag-draped coffin in which he expressed his rage that Kap could take for granted the freedoms the sacrifice was for. 
Kap then asked "How can I show respect to people like that, but still get my message across that I’m not satisfied with the way things are going in this country?"

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