Saturday, October 16, 2021

Writing Workshop

While Nick and Dan were racing cars, I "attended" a Zoom writing workshop discussing craft 
with special guest George Saunders. Inspiring and motivating.
Especially loved when George said, "Us writers..." instead of 
"Me, writer, and the rest of you wannabes." Who doesn't want to learn from someone like that?

Favorite ideas from the day:
*It's okay to start a story with No Idea of what is going to happen or what its about.*
*Do what you love.*
*Take all your bundling life experiences, neuroses, weirdness and wonder that is you, 
create it into characters and communicate them through text.*
*Writing is not imperialism. There's not one way to do it.*
*Each scene should be able to answer, quote by Dr. Seuss 'And this is why I'm telling you this.*
*Are your characters' actions/reactions doing what they think they're going to do?
(Meaning: when they reacted that way, was the result what they were expecting?)
*If we know the purpose of your scene, we can add description that adds to it.*

Also prepared singing time, did the laundry, watered the plants, took a jog, borrowed a dirndl for trunk or treat and hung the pictures that have been sitting there waiting forever. (Thanks to yesterday's meme.)

Could see pretty well all day until this evening and now am typing practically blind. 
(Ok, not blind really. But it's weird to not be able to see the screen. Giving it one week. That's it.)

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