Friday, October 22, 2021

Recovery Day

Oh my heck I'm so exhausted today! 
I was sure it was noon when we woke up, but it was only 8:30 (Pacific Time).

The boys went to the gym for a couple hours and I started a new book
(Daisy and The Six),
looked at photos for the blog and tried to nap.

We had lunch at TK Burgers and dinner at Korean BBQ 
and in between that time I sat on my bed and read.
Tried to go outside for a bit, but it was really windy and cold. 
The boys rented bikes, tooled around, napped, rode the ferris wheel at Balboa Fun Zone
and Dan and I walked down to Seaside donuts after dinner.

 Finished my book before going to sleep. Looking forward to more energy tomorrow.

When the fog lifts you can see dozens of container ships sitting at sea waiting for space in the harbor. 
Dan read that they're backed up about a week.

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