Tuesday, March 24, 2020

The Sun Will Shine Again

We got home early early on Monday and went straight back to bed.
When I woke up, (at like 11:00 a.m.),
to my phone ringing from Chris!

He's coming home. 
He said he was so sad all morning, but his faith in the Lord's Plan is strong.
He also said he's excited to watch Star Wars 9, listen to music and kiss a girl.
I don't think all those things will/should happen.
But I sure love him and his cute optimism!
He thinks he'll be home end of this week. But it could be two weeks or more.
Everything is so uncertain.

I went to the sunroom to read my scriptures and bask in the sun and light pouring in.

I was on the phone almost all afternoon, receiving texts all about missionaries coming home,
I saw Kristin and Duncan and talked to Courtney all about quarantining in New York.

By the time I worked out at 4:00, the sun was covered by dark clouds.
It felt so much like a metaphor for these weird times.
But I know this will pass. 
And I know that the Lord can take hard things and consecrate them to be blessings.
Like turning coronavirus quarantining into a special time all together with my whole family.

Dan and I went to the grocery store to stock up.
I felt like I needed two weeks of groceries just in case we can't go out when Chris gets home.
There's still plenty of food. 
But there are also aisles that look like this:

the aisle for TP, paper towels, tissues, cleaning products

Quick meals
Today (Tuesday) we decided we needed to stay on a schedule.
(As inspired by Courtney who is keeping a strict schedule in New York -- getting up at a set time, eating breakfast, getting dressed and working until the work day is over.)

 We woke up at 10:00 (still recovering from Hawaii time) and had breakfast all together.
Then Nick and Marty got to work at the kitchen table on their computers for online school.
I've been so impressed at how seamlessly our teachers (across the country)
have been able to adapt to online school! 
It's really a huge blessing! One of the many I've noticed.

Nick's schedule is about 30 minutes of work in each class, including 30 minutes of online seminary.
He also goes outside for at least 30 minutes. Today he played wall ball for lacrosse.
And practices the piano.
No screens until after "the school day" at 3:00. 
He was bugged by that at first, but stuck with it. He's also super responsible about doing his work and is a conscientious student. I'm lucky.

I went to Clara's today. Her hearing aids aren't working and she can't hear AT ALL.
She wasn't up for going anywhere, but then I remembered she had a follow-up dr appointment and ultrasound to make sure the kidney stone passed.
She was so frustrated and couldn't remember from one minute to the next why she had to drink so much water (the ultrasound) and where we were going.
Not to mention she couldn't hear.
Finally I said, "Will you trust me that I'm taking you where you need to go?"
And she laughed and said, "What would I do without you?"

We also got her hearing aids cleaned and the volume turned up 
which is a HUGE relief because on the way home she could finally hear.

I snuck this photo because I love that even when she's out of sorts
she cares about putting on her lipstick and fixing her hair.

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