Saturday, March 14, 2020

Sunny Palm Springs

There's still some residual flooding from the storms, 
but mostly everything has dried out.
We walked, worked out, sat by the pool and talked some more. 
And again, I haven't read one page of my book.
(Although I read Emily Belle Freeman's, "Grace Where You Are," 
on the plane out and highly recommend it.)

Wait, do I not have any documentation of our pickle ball tournament? 
I haven't picked up a racquet since college, probably. 
And was unsure if I'd be able to hit the ball, let alone get it over the net. 
But I did and it was really, really fun!

At dinner we shared most embarrassing moments --
mine will always be almost jumping in to bed with Papa.
Dan's was when the Priests snowballed him on his way into church, he slipped and fell, broke his hand and passed out, getting a rug burn on the way down.

What I haven't mentioned before is the whole reason our friends come this week is for the 
Indian Wells Tennis Tournament. Because of Coronavirus it was cancelled last week.
But we've entertained ourselves just fine.

We are doing church tomorrow here all together.

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