Friday, March 13, 2020

Friday the 13th

Today the sun is shining.
The girls went walking and sat out by the pool while the boys went golfing.

We also waited for updated news all day wondering if schools would be closed.
I had a morning massage and reveled in the quiet, in peaceful music, in relaxing -- 
honestly it made me feel like praying and giving gratitude that amongst chaos, Christ brings peace -- both spiritually and temporally. Everything is a metaphor these days.

Trump gave a national speech declaring a National Emergency, 
we got dozens of e-mails from every business and corporation giving
information on how they're dealing with Covid-19.
And yes, at 4:00, our schools in Utah got closed for two weeks.
Our friends found out their daughter is coming home tomorrow from her mission in England.
Everyone started making plans -- for kids who were moving home from college, 
study abroad that were cancelled, working from home, 
adjusting spring break plans (we're extending our time in Hawaii.)
And apparently there's no more food on the shelves at home.

And amidst the chaos, we talked and laughed so hard our sides hurt. 
(I peed my pants too, but its hard to admit that surgery didn't really work.)

After dinner all of us sat in the living room together and 
laughed and laughed and laughed some more.

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