Thursday, March 12, 2020

Disaster Recovery Team Assembles

We've been looking forward to meeting up with our friends again 
at their beautiful home in Palm Springs. Five couples were able to make the trip. 

But as we met at the airport this morning,
it seemed like Coronavirus was starting to make big changes in the United States.
It's been shutting down Asian countries and had moved into Europe, shutting down Milan.
In the US, Washington State, Northern California and New York City were all affected 
with rumors of employees being asked to work from home and voluntary 2-week quarantines for those that had travelled abroad or had symptoms.

This morning Utah had their first cases -- Rudy Gobert and Donovan Mitchell. 
Water and TP are sold out everywhere as people anticipated possible quarantines and of course hand sanitizer and wet wipes were sold out long ago.

Everyone was getting texts all morning about rumors of schools shutting down, on the phone with their businesses needing statements of how to proceed with customers and employees or children on missions who were potentially being shut down and sent home.

And then our pilot--in a somewhat angry voice--warned us a few times to expect rough turbulence.

Turbulent times.

It was raining when we arrived in Palm Springs, but pouring when we arrived at their home.
And a lake was just forming in the living room.

We ditched shoes, rolled up our pants, found anything that would move water and started pushing the water back outside, across the porch and hopefully away from the house.

The drains were overcapacitated and not only weren't draining, but were bubbling water out and back to the patio, making it a task of just keeping the boat afloat, rather than fixing the flooding!
We took turns standing on the drain closest to the house with a towel and/or plunger 
to keep the water from coming up.

Someone got a hose to send the water downhill. 
Someone else went to Home Depot for pumps and larger brooms. (And extension cords.)
We worked for over an hour. Was it two? But laughed while we did. 
The rain stopped, then started again. And then it stopped for good. 

It was the perfect example of even work can be fun when you're with people you love,
 and everyone is working together and has positive attitudes.

We cleaned up and feasted on sushi and went to a movie.

The sushi was delicious, the movie, Emma, put everyone to sleep.

I took a short nap, but saw most of it and liked it fine.
These guys had more fun hanging out in the lobby!
It's been a crazy day, but lots of laughs and we love being here with this group.
The day is coming to a close, but tomorrow is Friday the 13th! 
Can it get worse?

(Our group text got labelled "Disaster Recovery Team" 😂)

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