Saturday, March 28, 2020

He's Home! It's so Surreal.

Prepping to welcome home Christopher tonight! 

Dan has been tracking his flights all day.
He also heated up the pool and hot tub and he and Nick had a swim!
(I can't swim until my ear heals and Chris can't swim because he's a missionary.
Although the Stake President did say he could hot tub!)

At 7:30, Dan and I headed to the airport to pick him up.
Because of Covid-19 restrictions, only parents (or guardians) are allowed to go. 
No siblings, friends or other relatives.
We were directed to the second floor of the parking garage and were instructed to wait in our cars 
at the appropriate alphabetized section 
(everything is so Covid organized!) until we saw him come out.

We were both texting when I looked out and saw a kid with a buzz cut and guitar walking up to the car. I didn't recognize him at first glance but then he smiled and it was a face I've missed so much!

When we got home, the families of his friends were waiting in cars lining the road to honk and wave.
It was such a sweet welcome home! He stood out of the sun roof to wave and said, 
"I feel like the president!"

As soon as he got out of the car he grabbed a skateboard and tried an ollie.

We were especially excited to introduce he and Lizzie to each other.
We sat in the family room trying to somewhat social distance and get caught up.
At one point, Chris mentioned, "This feels like the most awkward Christmas phone call."
Truly everything is so surreal right now. 

But its fun to hear his stories, to see his smile, hear him speak Spanish, and
listen to his sweet testimony.

The Winger family came over to wave from the driveway.
And Diane came over too.

Our family couldn't get enough of being with Chris again. 
We were all up until 1:00 a.m. talking.
To be honest, he's bummed. He doesn't understand why there's such a big reaction over this dumb virus. In Mexico it wasn't so concerning.
He's unsure about being assigned as a missionary but living at home.
He desperately wants to get back to Mexico when all this is over, but he's concerned about his area.
His President even wondered if their mission would be consolidated into another.
But as always, he has a positive attitude in spite of the disappointment.
He's going to keep the faith and trust in God's plan.

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