Sunday, January 29, 2017


The vet's idea DID NOT work! We woke refreshed at 6:45 but disappointed to find Kershaw had had two kinds of accidents in his crate. We obviously slept right through his whining.

Because if I keep a record and keep a schedule, I feel more in control.
4 days of recording Kershaw's every move.
So we changed tactics the next few days to waking up at 5:15 to take him out. Much better. We are staying on a very strict schedule, but the consistency is paying off. He's biting a bunch though. 
1 step forward, 1 step back.

He's hoarding his toys. (And notice I'm still in the pen with him. I literally spend half my day in a cage.)
I slipped and fell on the ice taking Kershaw out -- TWICE -- and ripped a hole in my pants.
I sort of wanted to cry a little bit.
Nick's first day of passing the sacrament was today and I'm SO SAD I didn't take a picture of him in his suit coat (Chris' old suit coat)! He looked so handsome! His comment on passing was, "It wasn't as hard as complicated as I thought it was going to be." But he also felt embarrassed that when he passed the water to the Bishop, he was so focused on passing, he forgot to pause for the Bishop to put his cup back and it dropped on the ground. And then Nick said, "But I think he understands." Yes, he does.

Chris is walking without crutches! He needs them by the end of the day and will use them at school because walking around is so far (for a kid with a broken femur). But he's improved so much! 4 weeks from surgery! Back then four weeks seemed so far away and like there was no way he could feel better in four weeks. He's been through something really hard and trying and done so well!

My life. Either taking care of or reading how to take care of a puppy.
For our date night, Dan and I stayed in and gave Kershaw a bath. We seriously have a newborn.

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