Monday, April 12, 2021

Sibling Day!

 National Sibling Day was yesterday, and fortunately I have a sibling
who's making a real go at posting on Instagram regularly. 
So I just copied her post!

Of course "your" instead of "you're" was a little hard for me to overlook...
I did win the Jr. High spelling bee after all (and have the trophy still displayed to prove it). 😂

I may have a solid grasp on grammar, spelling and contractions, but
Bekah is a business-owner extraordinaire and an ultra-talented designer.

That's the best part of being best friends with your siblings. 
We celebrate each other's talents and successes and are genuinely so happy for each other's wins.
Even when Rachel won the lottery (it's true!) and Michelle won for cheerleader.

Rachel and Bekah have wicked senses of humor and are always making us laugh.
Rachel's turned into a pretty witty texter as well!

Michelle and Bekah can remodel and design and make it look easy.
Michael has done some beautiful remodel work too and is resourceful at seeing how to use 
construction "leftovers" and putting to good use what would have been thrown away. 
Michelle and Michael are also artists. As in, an eye for design but also can paint and/or draw!

You want Sheree in your court when you need to figure out information 
or understand the less publicized side of a health issue. 
And if I'm ever in a fistfight, I totally want her there.
She was strong and tough from the start -- even fighting off a kidnapper (yes, that's true too.)

Rachel and Bekah (via Matt) can help you navigate the more traditional side of medicine --
thankfully we had them to call when Chris broke his femur (and Brent!).

Michael is the smartest person I know, maybe only equal to Marty. They totally remind me of each other 
the way they know something about everything, read a lot, and remember everything.
Sheree and Michael are the best at learning information and translating it into regular language
and again, remembering what they've learned and practical application.

Michelle and Sheree can bake and sew. Michelle, Bekah and Sheree all have real estate licenses. 
Michelle, Bekah, Rachel and Michael all had/have real careers. 

I could go on and on. The point is, I'm surrounded by greatness. And I'm so grateful for my people.
My mom let us fight without getting involved. But through fighting, we learned to work it out.
(One rule: No scratching on the face... because, permanent damage.)

And yes, she was right. We grew up to be best friends.

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