Thursday, April 01, 2021

Cramming and Kites

 The weather has taken a turn -- like its playing its own April Fool's joke!
From 75* yesterday to 45* this morning with a high of 55* today -- 
it's long pants and a sweater cold! 
The wind blew all night. A perfect morning for skipping exercise and sleeping in.

But the water is calm and a gorgeous turquoise. What a view.

There are only two places in the area that make reservations and both are completely booked for dinner. But we got lunch reservations The Great Southern so crammed all seven of us into the five passenger car. Something the high school kids have never done before and couldn't believe we were going to squish in! (Remember when it was normal to cram as many as possible into a vehicle -- sitting on laps and straddling consoles? Heads bent at the roof? Before seatbelts were a thing?)

At first Nick and I were trying to share the front seat, but he was pretty uncomfortable with his mom sitting on his lap. So we switched and Nick and Will shared the front -- the two biggest boys in the group. Steph, Eric, Millie and I figured out the backseat somehow. 

The 20 minute drive took 45  because of traffic and searching for a parking space. 
Spring Break crowds have grown today! The line waiting to get into Seaside Sweatshirts was probably 100 people long and the food trucks were equally in high demand.

(Good luck to the Dodgers on Opening Day!)

Our beach bonfire this night got cancelled because of the wind, even though it had died down quite a bit by evening. But Dan bought a kite and our youngest children flew a kite for the first time in their lives. How have we been so remiss in their upbringing? 
Note: Take a kite to Pagosa.

We picked up dinner from Cowgirl Kitchen in town and while we waited, rode bikes around the neighborhoods in the dark, even sneaking into Steph's niece's house to see what it was like.
The homes here are all so charming. Every. Single. One.

Watched The Truman Show tonight since it was filmed in Seaside. 

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