Monday, April 05, 2021

Running Around

Whew! Today was a busy one. 
Dr. Muir to check the progress on my ankle after staying off it for five weeks.
Unfortunately not much. 
After our walks last week it was pretty sore.
He checked and double-checked the MRI and I for sure don't have a stress fracture.
I even asked if he could check a different ankle and was he sure. 
And he was so agreeable, not patronizing AT ALL and kind.

So from here on out I'm free to resume exercise and just manage any pain.
And I'm SO excited to be able to walk and hike again! 
Especially with the weather getting so nice. 
And while that doesn't sound like a great answer, it felt right. I felt like the best answer we have.

I came away so grateful for doctors like Dr. Muir who listen, are thoughtful, and
who aren't afraid to say, "I just don't know." And "Good question, let me think about that." 
Also grateful for my chiropractor and Ryan, our body work guy.
I feel blessed to have access to several different specialists who can help with whole body healing.

Raced straight to the chiro after doctor, then home for a quick bike ride since its 75* outside!
So glad I was able to squeeze it in! Schedule worked like clockwork today!
Then to Ryan who had another idea for my ankle -- trying to correct over-pronation which may be irritating the bones and ligaments that are sore.

Then... packed my bags because we're having a ladies weekend at Jenn's cabin in Midway!
Trying to get my 2015 digital scrapbook done.
But more importantly to laugh and laugh and laugh.

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