Friday, April 16, 2021

By Day and By Night

I rambled through Central Park this morning.
(Because I walked through "The Ramble," which is very aptly named.)

There's always something new to see and explore here.
I never ever get tired of it.

Was back to my hotel by lunch and spent all afternoon working on my Writer's Group submission,
reading work from my class and giving feedback, 
and reading through the lecture notes.

At 5:30 I walked up to meet Courtney and passed filming of
Marvelous Miss Maisel. Everyone was on the street dressed in their 50's costumes.
Remember when I walked down the street next to Meg Ryan when she was filming 
"You've Got Mail" across the street from my apartment? Fun memories!

Courtney and I went to The Container Store and loaded up on organizing bins and drawers
for their apartment. Then came home and worked for several hours while Michael
was at his soccer game. So exciting! We made amazing progress! 

(And thank you to the Container Store for wrapping up our large boxes and packages so well 
and crafting handles so we could carry it all. And also thank you to the minivan taxi driver who turned his light on and pulled over right when he saw us. And for the rain stopping while we were waiting for a taxi. Everything worked out perfectly.

Round Two tomorrow!!

I love that in New York you can walk home at midnight without a care in the world.

Plenty of people still out and about.

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