Monday, October 26, 2020

Monday Inspiration

It's cold outside so its officially Peloton season.
Well, maybe the end of this week I'll get outside to ride again. 
(I don't ride when its under 35*. That's my limit.)

I like the Peloton Instructor, Ally Love, because she's got such positive self-talk during the rides. 
It's exercise for the body and soul!

"Self worth and confidence are two different things.
Confidence is based on your skill set. When you can't do something, 
or you don't know how to do something well, or at all, you're less confident about it. 
That's not connected to your self worth. Today we build confidence to go the distance."
-- Ally Love (Peloton Instructor)

I also got sweet inspiration from Clara's positive outlook today when I talked to her:

I can’t keep track of what is going on each day. I don't remember, so everything is a surprise.

I’m like a little child. I keep an eye of curiosity and 

just try to be excited about whatever surprises come along. 

I’m in Heavenly Father’s hands. I know he’s in charge and I just let whatever happens happen.

I trust him implicitly. He knows things are hard for me now, but he is always with me.

--Clara Whitson, 94 years old

Happy Monday!

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