Tuesday, October 13, 2020

I'm a Believer

Last night in my class, the teacher was talking about backstory. How it adds context and is important in creating sympathy for a character. He thought about an example he could give and then said, "In the Bible, God just appears and starts creating a world. But where did he come from?" I think he was asking the question rhetorically and simply making a point. 

But Andy, a young man about Courtney's age, spoke up and said, "I can answer that. I'm a believer." Then he proceeded to tell about how God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost are three separate beings who lived in a pre-existence and created an earth for the rest of us to live in. And of course I was studying him trying to determine if he was wearing garments. (Couldn't tell.) 

Since then I've been researching what religions believe in a pre-existence and who else believes that God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost were three separate beings. It's pretty interesting to see how many don't believe in a pre-existence, or three separate beings--an idea I've grown up with and therefore have always taken for granted. 

But the biggest takeaway was how cool and natural it was for Andy to say, "I'm a believer." And explain his beliefs. I'm proud of you Andy. And I want to be more like you.

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