Sunday, July 12, 2020

Courtney Weekend

The bride at the wedding Courtney attended found out her friend's husband had tested positive for Covid. Which meant she had been exposed earlier in the week and therefore possibly exposed Courtney and friends who slept over at her bachelorette party the night before. This really concerned Courtney. 
She offered to wear a mask or not come home after all, but of course I wouldn't hear of it. 
We wanted her Covid and all.

Courtney meeting her new piano (a restored hand-me-down from Dan's grandma, Nanny.)

On Saturday, while the boys were racing, Courtney and I sat by the pool all day.
We talked and talked and talked. And made wedding decisions and finalized plans. 
And read a little bit. It was pretty great.
I got to listen in on Chris and his companion giving Courtney a missionary lesson via FaceTime
as we sat by the pool. I cried, of course. But they were happy tears.

We ordered Porcupine when the boys got home, satisfying a "when you go home to Utah" must-do.
And then she talked to Michael for hours while Dan and I just enjoyed being outside.
(I remember those days when Dan and I talked for hours by phone when we were apart!)

But the potential Covid exposure gave us all a scare at how easily you can get it.
When we woke up Sunday morning, Dan and I both agreed we needed to cancel our trip to Lake Powell with the Wingers. I was so desperate for a getaway and so looking forward to being with my sister, I was disappointed. But I worried Nick would be even more upset. Not to mention letting the Wingers down.

But being so close to Courtney and Michael's wedding, we couldn't take the risk.
Sheree was super understanding and Nicholas was a good sport too. 

I still had 10 lbs of Cafe-Rio copy-cat pork I'd made for the trip and pasta salad ingredients,
and Jared needed a prop tool from our boat. So after home-church, Nick got in some driving hours taking the four of us up Parley's Canyon to Jordanelle, then past Deer Creek and Provo Canyon around to the Winger's in Highland. He's a great driver! It was fun to be all together, even if it was in the car.

Courtney requested steaks for dinner and Lizzie and Marty joined us.
I love having Courtney here, even if it was just for a minute.
And it won't be too long before we see her again! Hopefully all of us Covid-Free!

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