Saturday, July 25, 2020

Claire's Baptism

Kory's daughter, Claire, was baptized today.
Dan got to do her confirmation.
I always look forward to seeing Kory and Amy, and of course Jo Ellen too.
And EC had flown up to be there too and it's been so long since I've seen her!

But I hate only seeing people I love behind a mask. I hate not being able to give them hugs! 
Not seeing smiles stifles conversation for me.
(I wonder if kids will not talk so much to their neighbor in school. Maybe that's one benefit.)

Dan was excited to talk to Kory about the Dodgers. But Kory said when he turned on the game and saw all the players kneeling, he had to turn it off. Oh Ugh. I forget that as a cop, how lonely it must feel when it seems everyone is against you and not appreciate all the good you're doing. 
It made my heart hurt for him and Amy. 

In the Church, when I hear of a bishop or other prominent leader who has been involved with criminal activity, it feels personal to me. That person's actions make the whole Church look bad. 
And people start complaining about the system being corrupt. And I want to shout, "there's so many good ones! Thousands of them! You can't judge the whole church organization by a few sleazy men."

And I wonder if it feels the same for cops right now.
Is there an expression for Black Lives Matter AND I'm Grateful for Cops? 

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