Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Into the Angela-verse?

When I spend time with Clara, sometimes I feel like I'm sitting with my future 93-year-old self.
I hope I have a friend that helps me out and wants to be with me when I'm 93. And I hope I still have a sense of humor like she does.

Today we sat and visited for a while. Then she got up to use the restroom and put her shoes on so I stayed sitting on the couch and read her scriptures. When she walked back into the room she said in a surprised voice, "Are you reading?!" I said, "Yes, just reading your scriptures." And she marched across the room to the lamp near me while saying, "Well, honey, turn on some lights!" Then she turned on two other overhead lights as well. Ha! It totally reminded me of my Grandma who always was shocked when I was reading in what seemed like the dark to her.

I remember long road trips at night when the rest of my family was asleep, I'd read by the light of the street lamps. I'd get a few words in while the car was lit up, then put my finger on my spot until the next bit of light.

I need to find a good book to read. Nothing is really capturing my attention right now.

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