Tuesday, May 14, 2019

God is Watching Over Us

Sunday Courtney called and told me about a spiritual experience she had. She's been studying so hard for Quals which are next week. Basically a huge test on everything she's learned over the last six years about Mechanical Engineering that she needs to pass to stay in the PhD program.

She'd spent the day studying (plus is also having to study for regular semester-end finals!) and then went to a baseball game with friends Saturday night. Sunday morning she woke up regretting that she hadn't stayed home and studied. After praying, the thought came to her, "You can't change the past. Look forward to the future, work hard, and let me perform a miracle."

Today I read this scripture and it seemed to apply to her experience perfectly. And is a good reminder to me too: D&C 38:7, "But behold, verily, verily, I say unto you that mine eyes are upon you. I am in your midst and ye cannot see me."

I could use a miracle. I've got Nick's Eagle project tomorrow, hosting a baby shower and Clara had a bunch of issues come up today. For one, her neighbor who was going to go with her to court (long story) backed out today because it was too long to sit there with her little kids. Right. Why didn't you think of that before? Get a freakin' babysitter or don't volunteer in the first place. Don't back out the day before! Ugh. I'm rearranging stuff tomorrow so I have time to get everything done and take time to pick up Clara. Also, I called on her oxygen to find out that the oxygen company never got the doctor note. And now she needs to redo her test and wait another 8 weeks for the machines to come in. It's just crazy.

But on the bright side, book club met at Layla for dinner. And we got a picture for the first time ever.
Debbie and I started book club in 2008. And now Debbie is moving to Oregon.
So sad for us! She printed out all the old book lists from the past 11 years so we could see what we read over the years. Wow. Amazing that 11 years have gone by.

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