Thursday, May 02, 2019

Health Thursday

Since I have some sort of health issue on a weekly basis, I think the title "Health Thursday" is appropriate to summarize the issues of the week. I document to help me remember so I can keep everything straight -- not to torture people (the three people who read this) with my maladies!!

Yesterday I went to the chiropractor to ask about my back and also my Strategene report and general health concerns. This chiropractor does body adjustments, but also uses muscle testing/applied kinesiology to determine nutrition/emotional needs. His pretty renowned for what he does and I'm happy to have him as a resource.

Every time I twist even for a minute or two, it flares up a muscle in my back and is sore for several days -- both sides. I was sure something was out of place that was causing my muscles to overreact. Also that lower back pain hasn't completely healed.

He determined there was something wrong with a lower disc in my back and yanked my leg and then yanked it again even harder. I heard and felt a satisfying "pop." My muscle pain was gone mid-back, and my lower back feels like it needs a good stretch. I'll go back in three weeks to see how its healed.

Then he did muscle testing. I wish I could relay all that he does. It's fascinating. And I've said before you have to be a believer. But I kind of am. He "found" a virus and narrowed it down to a certain category (I wasn't entirely following) and then went down his list of those types of viruses and determined it was West Nile Virus. Well the weird thing is last summer, in August, right after c.Diff, we went to Bear Lake where I got two mosquito bites that itched and were swollen and red for over a month. They'd clear up and then out of the blue would flare up and start itching again -- clear into December! So, yes, it wasn't a stretch or me to believe I was harboring West Nile Virus.

It was also about that time that my trachea stenosis started coming back, my endometrium started getting extra thick and later that my old ring-finger rash that's been gone for 10 years flared up again.

He gave me an Indian herb to clear it up--which also has anti-inflammatory properties. Then we worked on my Strategene report and added some supplements for that. He discerned a need for more Vitamin D, Vitamin C, DHA, and a couple other things that I don't know the names of.

To be honest, I've felt great the last two days that I've been taking them. So there's that.

I also met with my urogynecologist today to tell her of my "graduation" and discuss surgery. We agreed it was time to fix the rectocele and cystocele as well as the bladder sling. I wanted to wait until the fall or winter because I wanted to enjoy summer hiking and biking. She agreed this was good for several reasons -- because we could see if the fibroid stops bleeding and how the uterus looks now that I stopped the birth control. If its a problem, then have a hysterectomy at the same time. If not, then leave it.

I'm meeting with another highly recommended urogynecologist in two weeks so I can get a second opinion. Also my crown (that was affixed with temporary glue ever since it came off at the endodontist's office) came off.

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