Saturday, April 27, 2019

Spring Saturday

Dan had a race day with Chris and Marty and I had a temple morning with the Young Women.
I did initiatory while the girls did baptisms. 
(We always have more leaders than is needed to pass out towels and it can get too noisy if we all sit in on the baptisms.)

I took all family names today so felt pretty excited about that.

Nick and I collected more bikes for his Eagle project. He's up to 61 now and we still have people texting every day that they have more!!

Dan, Marty and I went to dinner tonight and then Dan and I came home to watch Infinity Wars so we can get prepared to see Infinity Endgame. Even I am caught up in the hype and I've barely seen half of the movies! (I've picked up Nick and friends twice now after they saw Endgame on both Thursday and Friday. So. Much. Chatter. And an age where they have a hard time keeping endings/spoilers to themselves! Nick came home on Friday and said, "Marty, what have you heard about Endgame?"
And Marty yelled, "Don't say anything!!" And ran out of the house. It's serious business.

Summer's coming... The shaved ice shacks are opening!

Today is my Dad's birthday. Been thinking of him a lot today.

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